In Blade Runner 2029, Ash, a Replicant-hating Blade Runner, embarks on a perilous mission that takes her beyond the familiar dystopian streets of Los Angeles in 2019 and into the mysterious, uncharted Off-World colonies. Tasked with tracking down the runaway wife and child of a wealthy industrialist, Ash ventures where no other Blade Runner has dared to go. Still reeling from the life-altering events of Blade Runner 2019, Ash faces a new and powerful threat that once again puts her life in jeopardy.
This critically acclaimed graphic novel, winner of the 2020 SCRIBE Award for Best Graphic Novel, serves as the official sequel to Ridley Scott’s 1982 science fiction masterpiece. Co-written by Michael Green, the Academy Award-nominated screenwriter behind Logan, Blade Runner 2049, and Murder on the Orient Express, this story continues to expand the richly complex Blade Runner universe.