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Tabletop Games: Small World

  • An easily accessible strategy game
  • Random combinations of races and special powers
  • Light fun with possible deeper strategy for the hardcore geek


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It’s a world of Slaughter, after all! Foremost zany and fun, Small World is an easily accessible strategy game. Don’t let the huge amount of components intimidate you: this game really does not take itself seriously.

A big part of the game’s strength is the random combinations of races and special powers. Each game, six sets of race and power banners are laid out for you to choose from. Ever wanted to try and conquer the world with Merchant Skeletons? Spirit Dwarves? Stout Ghouls? Take your chance, for next game the Ghouls might be Bivouacking, and the Merchants might be Trolls! The game’s 14 races and 20 special powers offer 280 different possible combinations. Some of them great combos, some… not so much.

Light fun with possible deeper strategy for the hardcore geek, yet easily explained and enjoyable for the casual gamer as well. And should the base game’s races and powers tire you, there’s numerous mini-expansions with additional material to choose from.

Small World has been featured on Wil Wheaton’s TableTop.

  • An easily accessible strategy game
  • Random combinations of races and special powers
  • Light fun with possible deeper strategy for the hardcore geek