From the 1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie! After wading in a puddle of radioactive waste, four radical reptiles are transformed into new York city’s greatest crime-fighting Quartet. Their biggest enemy? The shredder, ruthless leader of the foot Clan, a Criminal organization that’s terrorizing the city. This highly-detailed action figure stands 18” tall and features 30 points of articulation, including double elbows, to showcase shredder’s steely skills. Shredder comes with a removable soft goods cape, removable mask, spear, and knife with sheath.
- Based on the 1990 film Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
- Shredder stands about 18 inches.
- Accessories included: removable soft goods cape, removable mask, spear and knife with sheath.
- Features: double elbows and 30 points of articulation.