This rare 1995 Queen Beryl doll, part of Bandai’s Sailor Moon Adventure Dolls series, portrays the villainous Queen of the Dark Kingdom in stunning detail. Standing as one of the most iconic antagonists from the Sailor Moon universe, this collectible doll captures her signature dark gown and fearsome presence, making it an essential addition for fans and collectors alike. With intricate detailing, this vintage piece serves as a reminder of the epic battles between good and evil in the series.
This is a rare Sailor Moon Vintage Doll Bandai 1995 featuring Queen Beryl. These dolls are a little difficult to find and highly collectible. There were two models: Adventure Dolls, and Deluxe Adventure Dolls.
- Year of manufacture: 1995.
- Origin: Japan. Brand: Bandai.
- Doll dimensions; 6 inches / 11.5 cms high.
- Model: Queen Beryl.