Released in 1995 as part of Bandai’s Adventure Dolls series, this Sailor Mars doll is a tribute to the fiery Guardian of Fire and Passion. Sailor Mars is depicted in her vibrant red sailor suit, capturing her bold personality and strong sense of justice. With finely crafted features and high-quality materials, this doll is a must-have for collectors who admire Sailor Mars’ fierce determination and mystical abilities. A perfect representation of one of the most dynamic characters in the Sailor Moon series.
This is a rare Sailor Moon Vintage Doll Bandai 1995 featuring Sailor mars. These dolls are a little difficult to find and highly collectible. There were two models: Adventure Dolls, and Deluxe Adventure Dolls.
- Year of manufacture: 1995.
- Origin: Japan. Brand: Bandai.
- Doll dimensions; 6 inches / 11.5 cms high.
- Model: Sailor Mars.