In the 21st Century, the brave warriors of StarCom battle for freedom against the nefarious Shadow Force, an enemy determined to dominate the galaxy and ultimately conquer Earth!
At the heart of StarCom’s defenses lies the Strategic Deployment Platform of StarBase Command—a crucial space battle station positioned in hostile regions of the galaxy. The Starbase Station serves as a vital hub where combat vehicles can dock, deploy cargo, undergo repairs, and refuel for battle. Upon detecting incoming enemy forces, the platform transforms into a formidable three-level defense tower, armed with advanced weaponry. Led by SGT. MAJ. BULL GRUFF, a garrison of elite combat troops is always on standby to repel Shadow Force invaders.
Key features of the Starbase Station include its Battle Deploy function, which transitions it from Cargo Mode to Defense Mode. The station boasts motorized actions, including a Power Deploy Cargo Mover and a MAGNA LOCK Activated Elevator and Cannon system. Figures are lifted to battle stations via motorized elevators activated by MAGNA LOCK technology—stand a figure on the elevator to engage, and remove it to stop. The motorized MAGNA LOCK URP Assault Cannon offers recoil action and rotation, activated similarly by positioning figures. The Power Deploy Cargo Mover easily transports cargo or vehicles at the press of a button. Additional features include vehicle docks, dual cannon mounts, multiple defense levels, railgun rip cannons, magnetic action figure SGT. MAJ. BULL GRUFF with metal-panel locking, particle beam ram cannons, and a revolving cargo turntable—making the Starbase Station a crucial asset in StarCom’s fight against the Shadow Force.
- Name: Starbase Station.
- Manufacturer: Coleco.
- Year of Release: 19876.
- Original Vintage StarCom toy.